Dynastes tityus (page 3)

This is a 3rd instar, or "L3" larva of Dynastes tityus.  Touch is perhaps the most important sense to the larval stage of D. tityus, and it has numerous tactile hairs along its body which help it to determine its position and what it is in contact with.  Being a dweller within the darkness of decaying logs, sight is of little importance to it.  Unlike the adult beetle, it has rather simple eyes (called "ocelli") which are probably only able to determine between light and dark, rather than form any kind of actual image.
Dynastes tityus larva - Image © C. Campbell

Dynastes tityus pupal cell - Image © C. Campbell
The pupal cell of D. tityus.  This structure is the scarab larva's version of the protective cocoon built by the larvae of some other kinds of insects such as moths.  It conceals and protects the larva while it becomes a pupa and metamorphoses to the adult stage over a several month period.  The larva makes the cell by pressing together bits of wood and other debris around it to form a hollow shell.  The larva spends a considerable time perfecting the interior surface of the cell, which is quite smooth in comparison to the outer texture.

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